July Film Screening of “Til Kingdom Come”

Alexandria Film Festival Til Kingdom Come.jpg

The Alexandria Film Festival’s monthly online film screening series continues in July with Maya Zinshtein’s documentary “Til Kingdom Come.” The film documents both sides of the complex relationship between the Jewish state of Israel and Evangelical Christians in the United States.

The film introduces viewers to the Bingham family, a dynasty of Kentucky pastors, and their Evangelical congregants in an impoverished coal mining town. They donate sacrificially to Israel’s foremost philanthropic organization, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, because they fervently believe that Jews are crucial to Jesus’s return. This film traces this unusual relationship from rural Kentucky, to the halls of government in Washington, to the city of Jerusalem, holy to Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike.   

The film is  available to stream online for $12 for two weeks beginning July 15 on Eventive at https://watch.eventive.org/tilkingdomcome/play/60ec1ca4d3d26b0029cf00df

Once you hit “play” you have seven days to finish watching.

David Griffin

David has worked in marketing for over 10 years in a variety of industries. His areas of expertise and success are developing and implementing both annual and monthly marketing strategies focusing on audience identification, marketing message analysis, competition research and tactics such as content creation, brand management, email marketing, social media strategy, website design, SEO and SEM. David received his MBA with a specialization in Marketing from Regent University and is the Founder and Marketing Director of Griffin & Co. Marketing LLC in Arlington, Virginia.